25 July 2011

Yes, I Heard His Speech, and It Pissed Me Off…

Same sh%$, different day, it's the culture of Washington, both sides are at fault, if we do nothing disaster looms.  (False: doing nothing means letting the Bush tax cuts expire in 2012, and deficits drop by a lot)

It seemed to be more of a plaintive whine that people just don't get how awesome he is, or they would go all happy non-partisan.

This is all largely an artifact of his own making, he could have gotten this all done in December, but Obama wanted an opportunity to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, so we have this hostage situation.

That's not what pissed me off the most though, it's that, because of the speech, Maddow was preempted by that fatuous f%$# Lawrence O'Donnell.

I know that it's not rational, but his voice sets my teeth on edge.


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