02 June 2011

Vampire Squid Subpoenaed

It sounds like a big deal:
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), the fifth- biggest U.S. bank by assets, was subpoenaed by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office for information on the firm’s activities leading into the credit crisis, two people familiar with the matter said.

The subpoena relates to the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report on Wall Street’s role in the collapse of the financial markets, which accused New York- based Goldman Sachs of misleading buyers of mortgage-linked investments, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the inquiry isn’t public.
But it isn't, because even the most overzealous prosecutor out there, and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, Jr. is not one of those, would be told in no uncertain terms that any prosecution would destroy our economy, and so it would result in their own destruction (See Spitzer, Eliot) so it will just be a few bucks in fines, and no admission of wrong-doing.


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