09 September 2010

Spıinal Tap Drummer Syndrome Claims ELO Cellistge 62

Mike Edwards of ELO died on September 3 when a 700 pound hay bale that came down a slope and crushed his van.

My first thought was that it sounded like the demise of a drummer for Spinal Tap.*

I've never been a big fan of the band, and obviously, Mr. Edwards has been out of the limelight for 35 years, since he left the ELO, and my condolences go to his friends and family.

That being said, what is it with rock and rollers and bizarre deaths?

On a note closer to home, obviously none of us can be certain when death might strike, whether it's a heart attack, or a 50 stone hay bale.

It's something to think about this (Jewish) New Year.

*Spinal tap drummers have
  • Died in a bizarre gardening accident, that the authorities said was "best left unsolved".
  • Choked on vomit of unknown origin, other than his own, because "[y]ou can't really dust for vomit."
  • Spontaneously combusted.
  • Creme Brulee commitments forced him to retire, but went on backing tambourine for tour in 1982.
  • Claimed he "couldn't take this 4/4 sh%$"; according to an MTV interview with Spinal Tap in November 1991, he disappeared along with the equipment during their Japanese tour. He is either dead or playing jazz.
  • Allegedly sold his dialysis machine for drugs; presumed dead.
  • Eaten by his pet python Cleopatra.
  • Exploded onstage.


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