08 April 2010

I Really Want to Know the Whole Back-Story On This

According to the associated article, "As firefighters cleaned up the scene late this morning, Kali Burns, who lives next door, ran up and down the street dressed in a gorilla suit and caught the attention of some firefighters. Burns said his friends dared him to put the costume on, so he did. He said he only wanted to 'cheer everybody up.'"

I dunno, I think that there is something deeper involved.

You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

H/t Americablog.


John Sundman said...

Kali "Burns". That name is suspicious.

I just got back from a firefighter class & practical exam tonight. Subject: sprinklers. At no point in our curriculum or in our 1,000 page firefighter textbook do I see any mention of how to handle gorillas on fire scene. Hmmmmmmm. . .

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