17 April 2010

I Call Bullsh%$ on Benyamin Netanyahu

It appears that Israel is claiming that Syria transferred Scud missiles to Hezbollah.

This would not make sense. While the Scud is mobile, and hard to detect when it is deployed, it is a liquid fueled missile that uses caustic fuels and oxidizers (Kerosene or UDMH as fuel and RFNA as an oxidizer) that requires a significant amount of infrastructure to maintain and keep at ready status.

Having something like this, as opposed to smaller solid fueled rockets that can be stored and maintained without a fixed base and fueling location, is akin to painting a big target on whatever facilities are used to maintain the missiles.

Honestly, I think that this something ginned up by Netanyahyu for either domestic political consumption, or as a way to push back against Obama on the housing units in Jerusalem.

Of course, I could be wrong, as I was on the Syrian nuclear facility.

I would note that the entire Jerusalem problem is one of Netanyahu's own making. He has a history of doing this to Democratic presidents, so I do not buy that the timing of the construction permit announcement was just a "bureaucratic oversight" either.


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