03 February 2010

Why I Hate the World

It makes te Gay, or so it seems
Because the folks at Christwire have put out a blistering screed against the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls" titled, "How One TV Show Turned A Generation Of American Boys Into Homosexuals." (Their server is slow, so you may have to wait)

It makes me hate the world.

Why does it make me hate the world?

Well, it's because, highlight the rest for my answer……………

It's satire, only it took me a couple of hours to confirm this.

It's what bothers me about The Onion. The parody is spot on, and should be funny, only all to often, I cannot tell the difference between satire and the real world.

The problem is that the real world is just too perverse and weird to be parodied. Truth is indeed stranger than the fiction of satirists.

We live in Bizarro World.

H/t Atrios.


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