06 February 2010

Remember the Auschwitz Sign Theft

In December, some Jamokes stole the sign over the gate of Auschwitz, the one that said "Arbeit Macht Frei," basically saying (it was a lie) that work would set the inmates free.

I remember reading about it, and thinking that I would wait a couple of days until the full story played out.

I wasn't sure if this was a stupid prank, something involving organized antisemitism, or something falling into the middle ground, where the history Polish anti-Semitism could be inferred from the incident, but there was no some grounds for doubt.

Well, 2 months later, and the story has played out, and Mithras has nailed what happened in just 28 words (+ title):
Turns Out, It Was Anti-Semites
The guy who commissioned the theft of the Auschwitz sign is a Swedish neo-Nazi. The Poles who stole the sign for him say They Were Just Following Orders.
(emphasis mine)


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