05 February 2010

Blankfein Buys a Clue

Well, it appears that he is a bit less arrogant than his ilk, as Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein year bonus was just $9 million, with none of it in cash, a far cry from the reports of $100 million:
Goldman Sachs stunned many in the Wall Street community Friday by awarding chief executive Lloyd Blankfein $9 million as his year-end bonus, far less than many were anticipating, and none of it in cash.
It was in restricted stock.

My guess is that there are some back channel deals, and the whole idea of a "just $9 million" being an exercise in frugality is odd, but he recognizes that there is a very real problem, and he is taking actions to immunize himself, as well as the vampire squid,* from some of the treats of regulatory and legislative action, so credit where is due.

My guess would be is that he got some security and buy-out guarantees that are worth a lot more, in exchange, but those are crafted so as not to show up headline.

Additionally, this may be a big "f%$# you" to his competitors, who now have to explain why they got bigger bonuses with less performance.

*Alas, I cannot claim credit for this bon mot, it was coined by the great Matt Taibbi, in his article on the massive criminal conspiracy investment firm, The Great American Bubble Machine.


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