07 February 2010

Big Surprise

Former Liberian President, and mass murderer, Charles Taylor is saying that he did mining deals with Pat Robertson in exchange for his lobbying Bush and His Evil Minions for support:
Former Liberian president Charles Taylor, testifying in his war crimes trial in The Hague on Thursday, said that his government had awarded American televangelist Pat Robertson a gold mining concession in 1999 and that Robertson later offered to lobby the Bush administration on the government's behalf.

The revelations came in the midst of Taylor's U.N.-backed trial on 11 counts of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during Sierra Leone's 1990s civil war. Taylor is accused of directing a Sierra Leonean rebel group, the United Revolutionary Front, in a campaign aimed at securing access to the country's diamond mines. The rebel movement stands accused of committing mass atrocities in the West African country in the late 1990s, including the mutilation of thousands of civilians.
Here's hoping that the war crimes tribunal comes after Pat Robertson, whose association with Taylor has been common knowledge for at least a decade.

Of course, Robertson will never see the inside of a court room, because the United States won't turn over anyone for war crimes, because we're big enough not to play by the rules, so all that we will hear from him on this is his spokesman's denial.


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