11 November 2009

Time to Go Long on Fig Newtons

The American Medical Association has decided to reclassify marijuana.

It is currently a schedule 1 controlled substance, meaning dangerous, with no medical use, and the AMA, bowing to reality, has decided that it should be legal to at least test the stuff:
The American Medical Assn. on Tuesday urged the federal government to reconsider its classification of marijuana as a dangerous drug with no accepted medical use, a significant shift that puts the prestigious group behind calls for more research.

The nation's largest physicians organization, with about 250,000 member doctors, the AMA has maintained since 1997 that marijuana should remain a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restrictive category, which also includes heroin and LSD.

In changing its policy, the group said its goal was to clear the way to conduct clinical research, develop cannabis-based medicines and devise alternative ways to deliver the drug.
Hopefully, the progress towards sanity involving THC will continue, and perhaps, I could then go back to one of the activities of my college days.


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