14 November 2009

Special Software Gives JSF 50% Lethality Boost for JSF

Unfortunately, as Bill Sweetman laments, the software in question is:
While we're going back and forth about the supposed sixfold advantage of the JSF over anything except the F-22, see this from a year ago:

"U.S. Air Force analyses show the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is at least 400 percent more effective in air-to-air combat capability than the best fighters currently available in the international market."

And now it's 600 per cent. This does of course prove convincingly that Lockheed Martin is right to suggest that the F-35's capability will be able to be vastly improved through software alone.

That software being, in this case, PowerPoint.

(emphasis mine)

Mr. Sweetman owes me a screen wipe.


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