07 November 2009

Put a Fork in Frank Kratovil (DINO MD-1), He's Done

So, he has officially come out against healthcare reform:
Kratovil, a freshman Democrat from the Eastern Shore, ended months of uncertainty by announcing that he would vote against the House plan, which would extend health insurance to an estimated 36 million Americans who lack coverage. The Marylander, among the most vulnerable House members in the country in next year's election, has long been skeptical of his party's proposal but had left open the possibility of supporting it.
He already had a tough row to how, seeing as how Wayne Gilchrest's endorsement won't mean anything next time around, and now he's going to discover that Harry S Truman's old adage, "Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time," is true.

What's more, there was a lot of support from outside the district that will not be getting as a result of this decision.

If you are looking for where to put your time and money in the 2010 elections, look elsewhere.


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