05 November 2009

An Idea So Good It Will Never Pass

George Miller (D CA-7) has introduced a law requiring employers to pay workers for up to 5 days if they send them home because they are sick:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. employers who tell workers to stay home when they are sick will have to give them paid time off for up to five days under new federal legislation proposed on Tuesday.

The emergency law would cover pandemic H1N1 flu or any other infectious disease, said California Representative George Miller, a Democrat who chairs the House Education and Labor Committee and who introduced the bill.

"Sick workers advised to stay home by their employers shouldn't have to choose between their livelihood, and their co-workers' or customers' health," Miller said.
<George Herbert Walker Bush>Not Gonna Happen.</George Herbert Walker Bush>

It makes sense from a business perspective, a public health perspective, and a moral perspective, but there is no way that the Congress is going to pass this because....Because they are a bunch of wankers.


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