14 November 2009

I Loves Me Some Good Parody

And the folks at New York Magazine have riffed on Andrew Ross Sorkin's new book Too Big to Fail, an account of the financial meltdown, and come up with Too Big to Fail and ZOMBIES.

Do not read this while drinking anything, or you will need to clean your screen.

Here is a sample:
It made for an awkward moment, as Merrill CEO John Thain was only seats away. He was likely the next to get the plague, the executives well knew, as his firm was full of the deathless monsters. He had remained notably silent during the exchanges.

"You guys get this done for me, and I'll make sure I can take care of AIG and Merrill," Paulson replied. "I'm a little uncomfortable talking about Merrill with John right in the room." He glanced uneasily at Thain, whose face, everyone suddenly became aware, had taken on a deathly pallor. "John," said Paulson hesitantly. "Have you been bitten?"

It was then that Thain let out a gutteral animal howl. Half-rising from his chair, he lunged toward Pandit. "BRAINS!" he moaned.

"Holy sh%$!" exclaimed Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack, who was sitting in between the men. He rolled his chair out of the way.

Geithner ran out of the room, screaming like a little girl.
(emphasis mine)

I needed to clean my screen.


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