04 November 2009

How Utterly Appropriate

Remember Carrie Prejean?

She is a former Miss California, who whined that she was "discriminated against for her religious beliefs, because she didn't become Miss America after declaring her opposition to same sex marriage.

Well, after that, she became a right wing cause célèbre, and started hitting the right wing talk show circuit, and ignoring her duties, and appointments, as Miss California....I think it involves waving and smiling....So, despite an intervention by Donald Trump,* she was fired for...you know....Not showing up to work.

So, she sued, and then a few bikini modeling pics of her showed up, and then she dropped the suit, because, "the lawyer for the Pageant showed Carrie an XXX home video of her handiwork."

I have been unable to find any details, but the wags at TMZ, who have apparrently seen this bit of cinéma vérité, but decided that it was inappropriate for them to release, have seen the film:
The video the lawyer showed Carrie is extremely graphic and has never been released publicly. We know that, because TMZ obtained the video months ago but decided not to post it because it was so racy. Let's just say, Carrie has a promising solo career.
Seriously, what is it with conservatives?

They make Gene Simmons look like Mother Theresa.

*When Donald Trump has to do an intervention, you are in a really strange place.


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