09 November 2009

Finally, Some Backbone from the Progressive Caucus

They have sent a letter to Pelosi with 41 signatures saying that they will not vote for any healthcare bill with the Stupak Amendment, or anything that, "restricts a woman's right to choose any further than current law."

They get it. They realize that the Stupak amendment effectively bans insurance that covers insurance from the public exchanges, which would have the effect of banning coverage for abortion nationwide over a relatively short period of time.

Good for them, and we need to primary Bart Stupak.....Hell, if I have a job in 2010, I'm considering contributing to his Republican challenger.

Letter follows:

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
U.S. House of Representatives
H-232 Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Madam Speaker:

As members of Congress we believe that women should have access to a full range of reproductive health care. Health care reform must not be misused as an opportunity to restrict women’s access to reproductive health services.

The Stupak-Pitts amendment to H.R. 3962, The Affordable Healthcare for America Act, represents an unprecedented and unacceptable restriction on women’s ability to access the full range of reproductive health servicesto which they are lawfully entitled. We will not vote for a conference report that contains language that restricts women’s right to choose any further than current law.



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