05 November 2009

Another Ad Served by Google Adsense

Yeah, I just saw this ad on my blog. (No link, not even if by clicking on it you cost them money, and send their money to me.)

I don't know about you, but I'd really like to wipe the f%$#ing smirks off their f%$#ing faces.

Of course, then I look at the ineffectual wimpiness "eleventy dimensional chess" coming from the White House, and I lose all interest in doing anything.

In any case, please consider this to be a formal disavowal of the ad. I do not police my ads. They are separate from editorial.

This statement also applies to the Newt Gingrich newsletter advertisement, and all suchlike.

I figure that they waste their money here, and I'll spent the wasted money on taking Sharon* out to dinner.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.


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