12 October 2009

What's the Difference Between a Trend and a Media Fad?

Change in Reserves
Truth be told, I don't know, but this article from Bloomberg is about the 5th or 6th article that I've seen this week, so either a tiptoe toward the exits is beginning, or the press is going all herd mentality on the rest of us:
Central banks flush with record reserves are increasingly snubbing dollars in favor of euros and yen, further pressuring the greenback after its biggest two- quarter rout in almost two decades.

Policy makers boosted foreign currency holdings by $413 billion last quarter, the most since at least 2003, to $7.3 trillion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Nations reporting currency breakdowns put 63 percent of the new cash into euros and yen in April, May and June, the latest Barclays Capital data show. That’s the highest percentage in any quarter with more than an $80 billion increase.
I honestly don't know which one it is, though I kind of hope for a falling dollar, since many of the inefficiencies in our economy are due to an excessively high dollar, which both creates large trade deficits and harms domestic production, and serves to prop up Wall Street and enable it to seize a greater proportion of our economy.

(On edit, added chart pr0n)


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