13 October 2009

Baucus Piece of Sh%$ Healthcare Proposal Passes Finance Committee

The vote was 14-9, with President Olympia Snowe voting with Democrats, but she said very clearly that she is only voting this way today.

You know if a couple of Dems had voted against the bill, like Rockefeller, who has been leading the charge for a real public option, and Wyden, who got screwed by Baucus, the measure would still have passed by 12-11, and a shot would have been fired across the bow of morons like Baucus and the Nelson twins.

Of course, now the press is wringing its hands at the likelihood that Snowe may not get Huchison's position as ranking member of the Commerce Committee, when Kay Baily Hutichison leaves to run for governor against Rick "Goodhair" Perry....My heart bleeds. It's clear that she has no interest in voting for real healthcare reform.

In the least surprising news of the day, it turns that the insurance industry's biggest bitch in Congress, Senator Joe Lieberman, is taking the insurance companies' line, and supporting the status quote.


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