05 September 2009

Tekhomirov NIIP AESA radar unveiled for PAK-FA - The DEW Line

So the Russians have now pulled the wraps off the Tikhomirov NIIP AESA radar intended for their next generation PAK-FA (see also

The video says that it's 2m in diameter, which would make it a big AESA array, but in the video, the model appears to be somewhere between 1 and 1.5 meters.

This appears to be a bit bigger than the APG-77 radar, which might be a way to improve performance relative to that radar.

Also note that the video shows some pitch and yaw on the array, which means that performance off bore sight should be pretty good.

It should do a pretty good job, even if the tech of the T/R modules is not as good, because antenna size tends to count for a lot.

Video pr0n for those of you who speak Russian:


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