09 September 2009

Republican Family Values

Michael Duvall, Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee Vice Chairman was caught on tape bragging about having affairs with two lobbyists.

The money quote:
I'm getting into spanking her and yeah I like it..

In any case, he has been removed from two of the committees he serves on, one would assume the ones that the lobbyists "served".

He also talks about her underwear.....Ummmm.....Ewwwwwww!!!!!

But he's a family values kind of guy:
Such thinking impressed certain constituencies. Earlier this year, the man who never graduated from high school received '100 percent' approval scores 
by the California Republican Assembly, the state's leading conservative outfit, and the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI), a fierce guardian of traditional family values.

Great googly moogly...I though that I had rather uninhibited tastes during my single days,* but I had the good sense not to brag to everyone in the room, on a live mike.

*Full disclosure: Said "uninhibited tastes" were mostly in my imagination...I was a geek.


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