08 September 2009

Just How F%$#ing Stupid Does Hamid Karzai Think We Are?

So, the vote count in Afghanistan is done, and now Karzai has 54.1% of the vote, he was at about 48% at 70% of the vote, so the "late reporting precincts" had to deliver him something like 68%. (also here)

There are non existent polling places, polling places occupied by his supporters, etc.

Here is the money quote:
One Western official said that had the Afghan Independent Election Commission not decided on Monday to undo a decision it made the day before to enforce stricter safeguards, Mr. Karzai’s vote total would still be under 50 percent, forcing him into a second election against Mr. Abdullah.

The election commission had moved on Sunday to carry out precautions intended to catch a number of voting irregularities. But as it became clear that those safeguards would prevent Mr. Karzai from surpassing the 50 percent threshold, the decision was reversed Monday, and the election commission announced that it had no legal authority to exclude the ballots, the Western official said.

“He was below 50 percent when you exclude the obviously fraudulent votes,” said the official, who spoke anonymously according to diplomatic protocol.
This is actually an opportunity for Obama. Now he can tell the generals that he afraid to offend to get the hell out of Dodge. It's what Kennedy should have done after Diem's assassination.

If he does not use this to extricate himself from the "Graveyard of Empires," he's going to be Johnson in 1968 without the accomplishments of Johnson in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, and 1967, and it won't be pretty, because whatever Republican gets the nomination, you can be sure that they will not be as intelligent, welcoming, or honorable as Richard M. Nixon....I think that I just hurt something saying that last bit.


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