21 September 2009

Deep Thought: L'Shana Tova Edition

Received the following eCard from my brother Stephen:

[on edit]
When I shared the pic with folks on the Stellar Parthenon BBs, I got some interesting questions:

JR noted that, "conspiracy can expand to encompass anything you throw at it!"

This is correct, so our conspiracy encompasses Jews....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards.....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards and communists.....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards and communists and Nazis.....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards and communists and Nazis and communists.....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards and communists and Nazis and communists and Black nationalists.....

Our conspiracy encompasses Jews and Muslims and space lizards and communists and Nazis and communists and Black nationalists and racists.....

...... What does this remind me of?


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