11 September 2009

Abortion Wingnut Shot Dead

James Pouillon is actually one of 2 people murdered, and the motivation wasn't political, except that the person was settling scores, and the shooter was sick and tired of his habit of carrying, "Big signs with very graphic pictures of fetuses," and showing them to children as they entered school.

That being said, the money quote is about the other victim, Mike Fuoss:
The police said the suspect told them that he had been involved in another shooting Friday at a gravel company, Fuoss Gravel, in nearby Owosso Township. The company’s owner, Mike Fuoss, 61, was found dead in his office around 8 a.m.

Prosecutors said Mr. Fuoss was not involved in abortion protests and had no link to Mr. Pouillon. The suspect was angry at him for another reason, Ms. Edwards said.
(emphasis mine)

So this is some crazy going postal and settling scores, but in 24 hours Pouillon will be a martyr to the Christo-Fascists will use it to call for retribution.

I expect to see one shooting a week, or more, by year's end unless Obama and Holder go full patriot act on the whole movement today.


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