15 August 2009

Zimbabwe Update

In a move that has "Epic Fail" written all over it, the Police are attempting to staff up by actively recruiting ZANU-PF youth militia members to the force.

As if the state security apparatus were not brutal, politicized and corrupt already.

We also have Arthur Mutambara, head of the MDC-M, stating the obvious, and noting that neither the MDC-M nor Tsvangerai's MDC-T have any meaningful control of the government.

On the brighter side, we are now seeing divisions in the ZANU-PF over who should succeed late Vice President Joseph Msika, and it appears that the split is between the people originally from ZANU (Robert Mugabe) and PF-ZAPU (Joshua Nkomo).

One hopes that the MDC, both -T and -M, can use this discord to get some meaningful influence in this dynamic.


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