15 August 2009

Just When You Thought that Wal-Mart Could Not Get Any More Evil.....

They have made a corporate decision to attempt to destroy Girl Scout cookie sales:
What could Wal-mart possibly do to harm Girl Scouts?
Wal-mart has copied the Girl Scouts’ two best selling cookie types, Thin Mints and Tagalongs.

Wal-mart is selling Fake Girl Scout Cookies.

Wal-mart has fake Girl Scout cookies in ‘beta’ distribution, on their way to a national rollout. Because the cookies are ‘reasonable facsimiles’ of the authentic Girl Scout cookies (I sampled them myself at BlogHer ‘09 last week) and are being sold at an everyday low price, these cookies are poised to snatch cookie sales right out of the hands of the Girl Scouts themselves.
Remember, the funds from girl scout cookie sales go to their programs, things like camping trips, etc.

It must be the uniforms....It reminds Mal-Mart management of unions, so this organization must be crushed.


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