13 July 2009

Democrats Push Back on Needle Exchange

Well, it looks like Barack Obama is going to be getting some well deserved push-back on his proposal to keep the ban on needle exchange programs.

Obama put it in his budget, and the House Appropriations Committee pulled it from their budget, and it's what comes out of the Congress at the end of the day that makes law here.

Here is the background on Barack Obama going out of his way to reverse a campaign promise, and I still think that this is a deliberate attempt to enrage the gay community in order to score points with right wingers.

That being said, Obama also opposing sane harm reduction policies with regard to drugs in the context of international diplomacy, so maybe he actually buys into this whole "War on Drugs" charade, so maybe he is just worried of being demagogued on the issue.

I'm not sure which state of mind is worse.


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