14 May 2009

Your Liberal Media

You may have heard a minor media sh%$storm about an OMB report that says that global warming is a farce, and that it will wreck the economy.

Only the report is not a report, it's just a collection of various opinions from other agencies that the OMB passes on without comment, and it's just one comment.

And the comment, it came from the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, an office whose only job is to lobby for small businesses, and which has no professional staff, only political appointees.

In this case, the political appointee in question was Joseph Johnson, a former member of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, which is another right wing funded front. See also here if you can stomach a Glen Beck video.

Needless to say, this did not prevent the New York Times from mindlessly echoing all the spin (also here), along with the rest of usual suspects.

Of course, it took a bunch of couple DFH* bloggers at The Atlantic and Media Matters about a half day to get to the bottom of this, but our main stream media?

Not so much.

*Dirty F%$#ing Hippy.


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