11 May 2009

Elections Have Consequences: Who Hoo!!!!!!!!

Barack Obama's new budget eliminates abstinence-only funding and a kick back program to churches.

From Page 491 of the budget (PDF):
The 2010 Budget proposes a new Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative to support community-based and faith-based efforts to reduce teen pregnancy using evidence-based and promising models. In addition, a new Strengthening Communities Fund will help build the capacity of non-profit organizations and State, Local and Tribal entities to better serve low-income and disadvantaged populations. This Budget also proposes funding for (1) a new child welfare initiative, and (2) a human services case management system for Federally-declared disasters. This Budget eliminates funding for Community-Based Abstinence Education, the mandatory Title V Abstinence Education program, the Compassion Capital Fund, and Rural Community Facilities.
The items in bold are two abstinence only education programs, aka the Bristol Palin teen parent plan, and the Compassion Capital Fund is a slush fund for churches set up by Bush and His Evil Minions.

Wicked cool!


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