15 January 2009

Senior Bush DoJ Official Called Perjurer by IG

The Department of Justice's report on Bradley Schlozman is absolutely scathing, saying that he:
  • Illegally applied political standards to career attorney hirings.
  • Lied about it to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
But 2 weeks before the new administration, no charges will be filed.

So, we have a flat out statement that he committed perjury, you know the things that the Republicans went Jihad over with Bill Clinton when it was: (a) Arguable, depending on your definition of sex, and (b) Not related to his official duties.

Even so, because Bush and His Evil Minions have thoroughly polluted the Justice Department, so the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has declined to prosecute him.

If anyone out there lives in Kansas, how about filing a complaint with the disciplinary authorities there, because that is where he is practicing law. (more contact information at the link)


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