14 December 2008

Russia Unveils FCS Killer RPG

The folks at Danger Room quote the Russian descriptions as an "Abrams Killer", but the RPG-30 is really designed to defeat active protective systems and reactive armor, neither of which are currently used on the M-1, which they note.

It's pretty simple in concept. The RPG-30 launches two projectiles, the main 105mm projectile, and a smaller decoy, which it launches a few milliseconds ahead of it.

It would serve as a decoy against active protection systems, which intercept incoming rounds, and with even a tiny warhead, and it looks to be about 30mm in diameter, so there is space for this, it could serve to pre-detonate reactive armor, allowing for better function of the main charge.

Neat technology, and another nail in the FCS manned ground vehicle concept of substituting technology for armor.


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