09 November 2008

USAF Playing Budget Make-Believe on JSF

The USAF is trying to boost JSF funding to move forward development and production.

This is not achievable:
The JSF program has set itself some lofty goals. Even with the new mid-2014 date for the completion of operational testing (OT) the flight-test team has to average 70-plus sorties per month, starting yesterday, to get there. (This is based on the 5100 total sorties mentioned in a GAO report early this year.)

That's as many flights as the program has notched up in the past two years.
So,what is going on?

I think that they art either looking at a larger buy, or they want to make sure that they have spent so much money that cutbacks are simply not viable.

When you consider that military spending is the highest that it has been since the end of WWII, with fewer troops, ships, and planes than at any time since WWII, this is an indicator of profound dysfunction/


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