13 November 2008

It's Worse Than a Crime, It's a Mistake

To quote Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, there are reports that Democrats in the Senate, and Barack Obama, are now scrambling to find a way to do let Joe Lieberman keep hisposition as Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

You know the old saying, better to be inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in, but Joe Liberman will be in the tent, and he will continue to piss inward.

Joe has been acting out of vindictiveness and ego ever since his Presidential bid crashed and burned in 2004, and his primary loss in 2006 only made this worse.

He does not care about policy, all he cares about is puffing himself up and hurting those who he believes have slighted him.

There is now a report on Rollcall (paid subscription required) that strongly implies that Obama is making calls in support of Lieberman.

If true, and this could be (I hope it is) some sort of head fake, it does now bode well with regard to how Obama, or the Senate Democrats intend to govern.

It feeds straight into the meme that Democrats are wimps. If they don't stand up for themselves, how can we expect them to stand up for us.


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