01 November 2008

Happy Dance!!! Lieberman Likely to Get Dumped!!!

It looks like Lieberman will lose his position as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. (See alsohere)

Basically, between his unwillingness to do his job on his committee, he dismissed an investigation into the failures of Katrina as, "Water under the bridge," and his pimping for John McCain, this should come as no surprise.

Additionally, it's clear that Lieberman's goal, should he retain the committee chairmanship, would be to generate the greatest possible discomfort for Democrats possible, because he is a vindictive SOB.

It appears that they don't intend to throw him out of the caucus, yet, but it certainly sounds like he would be personae non grata in the caucus meetings.

I'm not sure that he would end up caucusing with the 'Phants though....It doesn't allow him to play the sanctimonious bipartisan wise man on Fox.


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