18 September 2008

How it Should Be Done

The Democrats are worried about the offshore drilling issue being used against them. They know that it's bogus, but it's also VERY easy to demagogue.

What do do?

Pass a bill that allows it, but contains provisions that will make the Republicans vote against it.

Include things like:
  • Reducing the distance to shore from 100 to 50 miles when the Republicans want it much closer.
  • Having the states receive no royalties from new drilling, which makes legislative approval next to impossible.
  • Eliminates $18 billion in tax breaks for big oil.
  • The bill would also force the release of 70 million barrels of oil from the nation’s emergency reserves
  • Provide tax breaks for efficient building construction and companies that promote bicycle commutes
  • Require all utility companies to generate at least 15 percent of their power by alternative fuels by 2020.
The senate will never pass this, it will never get pasty filibuster.

All of which have Bush threatening a veto, so you have a trifecta: The Dems vote for it, the Repugs vote against it, and then they have to vote to support Bush's veto.

Job well done.


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