25 August 2008

And the Wild Blue Yonder Boys Screw Up in Afghanistan

Karzai just condemned a USAF led airstrike in Afghanistan and fired two commanders in the region.

A representative of the Karzai administration nails it:
"This puts us in a very difficult position," said a government official, who asked not to be identified because of the delicacy of the matter. "It provides propaganda to the Taliban, and if they don't take responsibility, it actually helps the Taliban."
Of course, even when coalition troops engaging in a training exercise are targeted by pilots hopped up on amphetamines, or a pilot joy riding below altitude minimums kills 20 people in a cable car, there is at best a slap on the wrist (note that the latter were Marines, not USAF).

The three US air services need to stop behaving in a way that aids the insurgents.


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