10 July 2008


Well, it looks like FIFA is weighing in on Zimbabwe and Mbeki's support of Mugabe, as they are now making statements that seem to imply that the world cup may be moved because of "regional instability".

As lame as it sounds, this may be the only thing to keep Mbeki from being Mugabe's agent in this matter.

Still the news is generally not good with ZANU-PF planning to escalate the violence against the opposition.

As to negotiations, were are getting conflicting reports, and Tsvangirai has just denied that there are any talks in process.

Botswana has taken what I believe to be the proper stance, saying that they do not recognize Mugabe as president.

Interestingly, we have reports that Mugabe has been effectively sidelined by the 6 top members of the state security apparatus, and that they are more brutal than Mugabe.

We are also seeing increasing calls for sanctions, which, predicably, the Mugabe regime called racist.


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