03 July 2008

Good Legislation: Ban on Child Gulags

Dogemperor at Kos notes that HR 6358 has passed the House, and so will be on its way to the Senate.

This bill would regulate the completely unregulated world of teen "residential treatment facilities". Among its features:
  • Requires ongoing monitoring of facilities
  • Establishes national database of reports of abuse
  • Requires regular reports to the Secretary of HHS
  • Appropriates $15,000,000 for this effort
  • Agrant program as a lever to get states to supervise these facilities
  • Requires formal followup peer-review studies
  • Background checks on people working at these facilities.
  • Requiring training on child abuse, neglect, and dangerous conditions such as hypothermia and heat stroke for employees
  • Keeping kids incommunicado is forbidden.
Unfortunately, offshoring facilities to avoid supervision is still allowed in this bill though.

Bush is may veto this, as he has his done his level best to make sure that faith based social services group are given a complete free ride, and the worst, and most unregulated, groups are religiously based ones like "Teen Challenge".


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