14 July 2008

And Speaking of Idiots...

Cynthia McKinney got the Green Party nomination.

I have had discussions with her constituents, and it's clear that she is a smaller version of George W. Bush.

She is where she is because of who her daddy was, and her tenure as a member of congress was disastrous. When things needed to be done in the district, regardless of which side the political divide you were on, meeting were scheduled to make sure she could not attend, because she would screw up any consensus and generally throw fits.

I don't think that this is the year to vote for a 3rd party candidate, but I consider that to be a matter of the reader's personal conscience, particularly in safe states like Texas or Massachusetts.

However I strongly suggest that voting for this third party candidate is a betrayal of your obligation to cast your vote in a meaningful way.

She was right about distrusting Bush, but a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Check out her record. Talk with her former constituents, and then vote for someone else.
12:10 AM


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