18 June 2008

Economics Update

Well, I'd be worried if I had to job search, because about 1/3 of employers surveyed by the Business Roundtable expect layoffs in the next 6 months.

Needless to say oil heading back up, and the dollar heading down would indicate that those 1/3 of executives surveyed are being prudent, even if retail gasoline prices fell for the 2nd day in a row, which hasn't happened in quite a long time.

Currency gets even more interesting when one realizes that the Chinese Yuan has gained 20% vs the dollar since it's been allowed to "kind of sort of float" against the dollar by pegging to a basket of currency, it's gone from 1 Yuan= $0.1208 to 1 Yuan=$0.1453.

What's more, it looks like a strong Yuan may be the only way for the Chinese to keep their inflation down, by cooling off exports and lowering the cost of imports, particularly food and fuel, so they may continue to take actions to strengthen their currency, essentially exporting their inflation to us.

Real estate continues to suck too, with mortgage application volume falling last week and the Architecture Billings Index dropping two points.


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