01 May 2008

Because Dick Cheney Likes Death

Dick Cheney is a busy, busy man.

In addition to outing a CIA agent, authoring torture policy, selling out the nation to oil companies, shooting people in the face, and taking payments from Halliburton, it's nice to know that he can still taking time out to kill whales:
Another internal document shows that the officials working for the Vice President also raised spurious objections to the science. According to this document, the Vice President's staff "contends that we have no evidence (i.e., hard data) that lowering the speeds of 'large ships' will actually make a difference. NOAA rejected these objections, writing that both a statistical analysis of ship strike records and the peer-reviewed literature justified the final rule. In its response to the objections from the Vice President's staff, NOAA reported that there is "no basis to overturn our previous conclusion that imposing a speed limit on large vessels would be beneficial to whales.
Is there even the smallest bit of evil that is done by Bush and His Evil Minions&trade has to have Cheney's finger prints all over this?

I feel like stunned like that cow that just stepped on it's own udder.


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