22 April 2009

This Whole Rep. Harman Thing is Going Very Weird

First, we have a report that the "Israeli agent" that Jane Harman was having a phone conversation with was an Israeli-American named Haim Saban, if the name sounds familiar, it's because you watch the credits for Mighty Morphin' Power rangers.

He's a producer who made much of his fortune by importing and redubbing the children's show.

Then we have Ron Kampeas at the JTA noting that the phone call in question happened in the Summer of 2005, which is pre-Katrina, has her discussing becoming Intel committee chairman.

Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. It was around a week before the scope of the incompetence hit, and began destroying whatever remained of Bush's post 911, so the possibility of a Democratically controlled house was remote. People were still talking about a permanent Republican majority.

In any case, Keampeas points us toward

Laura Rozen at Foreign Policy magazine, who appears to have a line on the personalities, and the machinations therein within the intelligence establishment that might figure in this:
  • That Bush Era intel officials felt on the defensive about the recent torture and wiretap revelations, and might want to push back.
  • Porter Goss authorized the wire tap, and Goss has always, "intensely disliked," each other. (It is claimed that FBI Chief Mueller was unavailable at the time the warrant was requested)
  • According to an interview with Goss, Harman was the only member of Congress briefed on water boarding whose reaction wasnot , "encouragement," which included, "Reps Pelosi and Harman, and Sens Rockefeller and Sen. Pat Roberts."
On the other side, the statement from the Neww York Times editor that Harman did not attempt to influence the publication of the illegal wiretap article may not be true, as Bill Keller has clarified his statements, and it appears that she contacted Washington Bureau Chief Phil Taubman regarding the matter, at the request of Michael Hayden, who keeps showing up in every bit of evil in the intelligence establishment like a demented Amway salesman.

It also means that Harman was actively working against the election of John Kerry, because if the Times had published before the election, it would likely have swung the race.

Finally, we have Jane Harman asking for the transcripts of her phone calls to be declassified and released.

Here is my older post on this, and try to figure this out.

It's beginning to read like a John le Carré novel.


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