17 March 2008

Shorter Alan Greenspan

He is unhappy because people are blaming him for the upcoming catastrophe.

As I've said before, the idea that the noble entrepreneur must be allowed to innovate, no matter how many people it hurts, is simply delusional Randroid bull#$it.

Ayn Rand was a person to whom great evil was done, by a thoroughly evil and corrupt, much like Leo Strauss. Rand by the Bolsheviks, Strauss by the Nazis.

Their response was to create, and aggressively promote their own personal sort of evil, and both have proved, and will continue to prove disastrous.

Speaking as an Existentialist Jew, and yes they are compatible, when you create philosophies in which people are made unpeople, and in which the concept of personal responsibility for the world one creates is an anathema, you create another template for evil.

Of course, you could read his article in the Financial Times, but there may be some side effects:


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