04 March 2008

It's Getting Ugly Over Tanker Decision

I do not doubt that the A330 was technically superior.

The airframe and avionics are newer, the manufacturing techniques are more advanced, and the airframe is larger.

The reason I did not expect it to win was because of the USAF generals who wanted sweet retirement packages with Boeing, and the inevitable outrage from Congress.

Well, the sh%$ storm is here, care of Eisenhower's military-industrial complex.

You can get a good Cliff Notes version of what is going on here.

Basically, a few years back, Boeing offered a lease deal which was really pretty awful. This deal was negotiated by a Pentagon official who was also negotiating with Boeing for a job as a VP.

John McCain looked at the deal, and smelled a rat, and for once, and it's rare for him, he was right, so the contract was canceled, and a new one was put out for bid.

And now EADS has won with a clearly better plane, one that is already on order from a number of countries.

This won't stop the poo from flying.


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