19 February 2008

There are Limits to Electoral Fraud

It appears that Musharraf's party has been absolutely crushed in Pakistani elections, here and here, and that there is now growing pressure for him to resign - USATODAY.com.

There are still some seats outstanding, but right now, the Pakistan People's Party ( Benizir Bhutto) has won 87 seats, the Muslim League-N party (Nawaz Sharif) has won 66 seats, and Musharraf's Muslim League-Q won only 38 seats.

There are 272 seats in the Pakistani National Assembly, so they need 137 for a majority, and 181 for the 2/3 vote to remove Musharraf, and t gether the parties have 155 seats right now.

There is a question as to whether the PPP and MLN can work together though, they are like the hatfield and the McCoys.


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