28 December 2007

While Obama and Hillary Try to Make Hay, Edwards Takes High Road on Assassination

We've got them sniping back and forth here, and to his credit John Edwards is not saying that it's all about him:
Benazir Bhutto was a brave and historic leader for Pakistan. Her assassination is a sad and solemn event, and our hearts go out to her family and to the Pakistani people. But we will not let this contemptible, cowardly act delay the march of progress in Pakistan for a single second.

I have seen firsthand in Pakistan, and in meetings with Prime Minister Bhutto and President Musharraf, the instability of the country and the complexity of the challenges they face. At this critical moment, America must convey both strength and principle. We should do everything in our power to help bring the perpetrators of this heinous act to justice and to ensure that Bhutto's movement toward democracy continues.
Compares favorably to the posturing by Clinton, Obama, Romney, Giuliani, etc. where they all basically say, "this is why you should vote for me"

It compares even more favorably to Mike Huckabee's statement, where he says, "There's a country called Pakistan? Really? Are you sure??"

I would note that my assessment of Bhutto is far less charitable than his, but he's not making hay of the assassination, which is a good thing.


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