12 December 2007

Nancy "Know Nothing" Grasmick Re-Appointed State School Superintendent

Despite pleas from the Governor, Speaker of the State House, and Senate President, lamd duck members of the Maryland State Board of Education voted to trenew Nancy Grasmick's contract for another four years.

It should be noted that Grasmick tried to seize 11 low performing Baltimore City schools during the election for Governor, and was for a long time considered a potential running mate for then incumbent governor Republican Bob "Bad Hair" Ehrlich.

She also was front and center in Ehrlich's attempts to take over the whole Baltimore City School District and to decertify the Teachers' Union.

This is going to get ugly, and she's a hack, in addition to being one of the most test crazy senior executives in the nation. Her policies got schools not teaching science or social studies for two months so that they can do test prep.


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