12 October 2007

Prosecutor of Anti-Terror Trial to Go on Trial Himself for Obstruction of Justice, Making False Declarations, and Conspiracy Charges

The involves the trial of four people accused of being a terrorist "cell" in Detroit. Richard Convertino suppressed documents that would help the defense during discovery, and then lied about it.

It was so egregious that he was outed by his staff, and the convictions were overturned at the request of the Justice Department.

According to the prosecution, Convertino was looking at converting a high profile conviction into a leg up in a run for Congress.

It's good that he, and former State Department investigator Harry Smith III, are being put on trial.

As much as the Bush Administration thinks that the law is not worth the trouble, it's the only thing protectinb us against corrupt overzealous members of the state security apparatus.


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