11 October 2007

Obama Finally Starts Mentioning Clinton by Name

I think that one of my concerns about Barack Obama is that he suffers from "Adlai Stevenson Syndrome", where he thinks that the rough and tumble of politics is somehow beneath him.

There appears to be some signs of hope on this, Obama is now criticizing Hillary Clinton by name on her the Iran Revolutionary Guard resolution.

Additionally, I think that both Edwards and Obama have held off on attacking Clinton out of concern that it would drive primarily benefit the one not in the fight, though Elizabeth Edwards has wisely functioned as a proxy in this issue.

I think that Clinton is far to concerned about proving her toughness, and as such, it undermines her strength. Basically, she feels a need to act like one of those "very serious" people from the Council on Foreign Relations, who to this day say that we should stay in Iraq.

That would be her weakness as president, and I think that it can be shown to be her weakness as a candidate.


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