14 October 2007

The Fight Over White Space

Microsoft and Google, on the same side for once, are in in a tussle with commercial TV stations over "white space", the unused channels in broadcast TV.

Basically, Microsoft sent a prototype to the FCC which was supposed to automatically detect white space, and use the spectrum for (very) high speed connectivity, but it failed because Microsoft never gets anything right the first time.

Broadcaster's heads are exploding over this proposal, with claims of severe interference, technical problems, and that it will make your daughter date a biker.

While part of this is no doubt a result of the proprietary feelings that broadcasters have regarding "their" (it belongs to all of us) spectrum, I think that another part is that they do not want to have a competing use.

If there is a competing use, at some point regulators might give priority to that use, as opposed to broadcasting reruns of "my mother the car".


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